Friday, October 28, 2005

The People That You Meet On “Schwarzenegger Street”

Schwarzenegger Street (see it here) is hilarious. The funniest characters are 'Cheney the Monster' and 'O'Reilly the Grouch.'

The Democrat who is running against the Governator next year, Phil Angelides has a new animated anti-Arnold ad that spoofs Sesame Street. The scary Schwarzenegger Street features all the conservative creeps that you really don't want to meet on any street.

Schwarzenegger is suffering the same fate as many other Republicans - he's not doing so hot in the popularity polls.

According to a new poll, a mere 38 percent approve of Schwarzenegger's job performance, and 57 percent disapprove. Of the upcoming ballot initiatives pushed by Schwarzenegger, none have majority support, and "two are opposed by wide margins."

Schwarzenegger Street slams the Governor by portraying him as the friend of ultra conservatives such as Bush, Cheney, and Rove. Seemingly, the worst thing you can say about a politician these days is that s/he hangs (pun intended) with Republicans.

Phil Angelides makes that very point on his website:

Join the fight to defeat Schwarzenegger and the Radical Right!

Governor Schwarzenegger promised Californians he was a different kind of Republican. But from the start, Schwarzenegger has governed from the right-wing playbook of George Bush, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove.

Election year 2006 looks like it's going to be very interesting, as in we're taking our country back!

Hat tip to Huffington Post