Thursday, October 27, 2005

Roveplay On Eve of Destruction

From Taegan Goddard:

A staffer for a member on the Senate Judiciary Committee explains:

"This withdrawal and renomination is the ace in the whole for Republicans to combat the CIA leak scandal. President Bush met with Republican leaders last week to test the waters for withdrawal, and then laid the groundwork with the 'red line' for disclosing documents. The President is going back to his base, and next week (likely the beginning), most Senators on the Judiciary Committee, including Schumer, Graham, Specter, Kennedy, Durbin, and Brownback, expect him to nominate a proven conservative justice... Democrats are scrambling to come up with a strategy to keep the focus on the indictments, while also stopping a far-right nominee. Word is that Karl Rove is in fact behind this well-timed stunt to overcome the indictment story."

Photo found at Bartcop