Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Britain Is Smaller than Oregon & The Cowboys Have Not Left the White House

Have you heard? Size Matters. If you've been tuned into the cable news coverage of Obama's trip overseas, you've no doubt noticed how the whole wide world revolves around Obama. Or the U.S.

Here in the United States, there is no foreign news unless the U.S. is at the center. Little wonder that the White House press kit -- distributed in flight -- describes the UK and other European nations in simple terms that even self-absorbed ego-inflated adolescent American reporters can understand:

The United Kingdom is "slightly smaller than Oregon." Germany is "about the size of Montana." The Czech Republic is "about the size of Virginia." And France is merely "four-fifths the size of Texas."

Bush may be gone, but clearly the cowboys have not left the White House.

Commenter Jon nails it:

What utter dickheads the Americans continue to be. It appears their 'size-ist' references missed the fact that British bellies are about one fifth the size of their American counterparts and British Universities create at least five times the world's international supply of scientific brains.

Interesting that, if we're as peurile and insignificant as this patronising and disingenuously inadequate 'fact book' appears; how come we're hosting such a supposedly 'important' meeting. Also; why is it neccessary for the American pols to receive a 'briefing' book ON THE F*****G plane, on the way here. By default, it proves how disconnected and inadequately equipped they are.

After all this effort, most of them won't get the references of course, as many have proven themselves incapable of locating "France", or "Germany" or "Czechoslovakia". Let's remember folks JUST how important France is to America - .... 'remember the USA changing the name of 'french-fries' to 'freedom-fries' .... yes, THAT's how 'valuable' France is to America.