And the scandal continues to grow. Pres. Obama will be on the Jay Leno show doing damage control this Thursday and on 60 Minutes this Sunday. Let's hope Robert Gibbs has some answers today.
There's lots of documentation at the sites below for the assertion that Chris Dodd is the fall guy for Summers and Geithner:
Jane Hamsher @ Firedoglake:
Treasury Attempts to “Blame Dodd” for AIG Bonuses
Glenn Greenwald @ Salon: The dishonest "Blame Dodd" scheme from Treasury officials
Chris Bowers @ Open Left: White House Official Throws Chris Dodd Under Bus To Protect Geithner and Summers
Bowers @ Open Left: Bonus Scandal: Four Questions on Geithner and Summers
Plutocracy Class Politics Economic Crisis News Corporate Welfare Populist Outrage AIG