There were once women who opposed women's suffrage, and then there is Susan Collins. This is from Heidi Hartmann, president of the Institute for Women's Policy Research:
Over the past several days, Senator Susan Collins (R, ME) has emerged as a leader of the moderate Republicans working with several Democratic Senators also concerned about the high cost of the economic recovery bill. Unfortunately the compromise they have crafted, which seems to be mainly about cutting government expenditures to make room for expensive tax breaks, cuts deeply at the precise areas in which women typically work, Head Start, education, and health care. . .
[I]t is ironic that Senator Susan Collins has chosen to cut spending programs that are especially important to women, both as consumers of the services for their families (health and education and child care) and as workers in the affected industries. Women are about 42% of the unemployed now and about 47% of employed workers. They surely should have a proportionate share of the jobs that will be created by the stimulus package. Unfortunately, the moderate Senators' proposal takes us further away from fairness to women.
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