Wednesday, February 11, 2009

No Girls Allowed on the Stimulus Bill Conference Committee

I'm wondering why women pay taxes. Seriously. With our representation at a shamefully undemocratic 17 percent of Congress, why do we pay taxes?

If Congress was 17 percent male, men would not only Not pay taxes, they'd be rioting in the streets, declaring civil war, and writing brave new declarations of independence listing all their many grievances.

Jill Miller Zimon over at The Moderate Voice reports that the Senate Democratic leadership has announced who will be on the stimulus bill conference committee. That would be Harry and Max and Daniel and Charles and Thad and Dave and Henry and Jerry and Dave and another Dave. But we're sure women will be kept at arm's reach for coffee and donuts and the boys' convenience.

At what point does the country begin to be embarrassed to call itself a democracy?