Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Obama Justice Department Re-Hires Lesbian Attorney Fired by Bushies

And we thought the infamous Monica Goodling only fired people for being liberal. The Bush devotee fired Leslie Hagen for the crime of being a lesbian. The Obama Justice Department just gave Ms. Hagen her job back. Alright, that's change I can believe in!

Think Progress:

NPR’s Ari Shapiro notes that “it is not a perfectly happy ending for Hagen” because “nobody official from the department ever apologized to her for what happened” and she still owes thousands of dollars in attorney fees that the Bush Justice Department refused to pay.

Hagen’s rehiring is only the latest move in an effort by President Obama and new Attorney General Eric Holder to provide a “a clean break with the past policies of the Bush administration.” Not only does Holder say that the Department is “no place for political favoritism,” but he is also expected to embark on “a broad doctrinal shift in policies” from the Bush administration.