President-elect Obama hasn't even taken office yet, and already people want their money back. It's definitely getting ugly over at Change.gov. Obama supporters are so angry about Obama's endorsement of homophobe Rick Warren that they are demanding refunds:
We gave thousands of dollars-- despite the tough economy- in hopes that are community would no longer be marginalized. Despite the passage of prop 8, we celebrated on election day. Today we feel betrayed. There are so many christian leaders who are advocates for the gay community-- why choose one who is not?
Please return our donations immediately. We made donations over a number of occaisions, frequently in response to "urgent" pleas from your campaign. Consider this an "urgent" plea as well.
Please remove us from your mailing lists and never ask us for your support again, unless you stand with us and reject homophobia once and for all.
hat tip to myiq2xu
Obama Rick Warren Politics Gender Gay Prop 8 Lesbian News Gay Marriage California