Like they say, yesterday's solutions are today's problems. And Rep. Bobby Rush is making a mockery of everything that MLK ever stood for. According to Rep. Bobby Rush, if Harry Reid and his band of Democratic senators fail to seat a Blagojevich appointee, the Democratic senators will be proved to be racist -- or the equivalent of George Wallace and Bull Connor!
I guess I have to face it, the Carnival of Insanity did not end with the Democratic primary, nor will it end with 2008.
A day after making racially charged remarks warning critics of Roland Burris's appointment to the U.S. Senate to "not hang or lynch the appointee as you try to castigate" disgraced Gov. Rod Blagojevich, U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush said today that senators "don't want to see themselves in the same position" as George Wallace, Bull Connor and others who promoted segregation in the Civil Rights era. . . in his interview this morning, he harkened to the days of segregation and the civil rights battles in Little Rock, Ark., and in Alabama in the 1950s and 1960s in warning the U.S. Senate Democratic majority shouldn't try to block Burris.
"You know, the recent history of our nation has shown us that sometimes there could be individuals and there could be situations where schoolchildren -- where you have officials standing in the doorway of schoolchildren," Rush said. "You know, I'm talking about all of us back in 1957 in Little Rock, Ark. I'm talking about George Wallace, Bull Connor and I'm sure that the U.S. Senate don't want to see themselves placed in the same position."
Bobby Rush, Not Done Yet
graphic via The Heretik
Lynn Sweet: Davis said thanks, but no thanks - 'TOO MUCH TURMOIL' | Congressman had sought seat, but when offered turned it down
Blagojevich Chicago Burris Politics Race Democratic Senate News Obama