And it was only just the other day that I crossed James Carville's name off that very small list of Democrats who stand for something and so deserve a measure of respect. And now Ed Rendell suggests that MSNBC 's loudest misogynist is a worthy candidate for the U.S. Senate! Do you really have to embrace misogyny and be devoid of all principles and honor to be a Democrat?
Politico: Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell gave Chris Matthews a glowing endorsement for his potential Senate candidacy today, calling the MSNBC host the “strongest Democratic candidate without any doubt” in an interview on Bloomberg TV.
Rendell added that he doesn’t “really know” if Matthews has made a decision to run yet. And he cautioned that Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) would be a formidable opponent because of his strong ties to independents and moderate Democrats. His comments come in light of a new poll, conducted by Research 2000, that shows Matthews leading in a Democratic primary field, and would be just one point behind Specter if an election was held today.
Digby: I honestly don't know quite how to deal with this. Over the past year I have strained and even broken treasured friendships over the idea that allowing a Republican to win over a Democrat, no matter how bad he or she is, would be to empower the more destructive of the two parties and ultimately enable the kind of horror show we've seen in the past eight years.
But Matthews is a bridge too far. I could never vote for, raise funds for or in any other way help Chris Matthews become a member of the Senate and if it came down to it, if I lived in Pa, I'd probably support Specter.
I can sometimes understand why people think that Somerby is beating a dead horse about the 2000 campaign. But the fact that someone who was at the epicenter of the War on Gore (and hence the war in Iraq, Alito and Roberts, the Bush Depression, etc. etc.) could not merely keep his high-paying job but apparently be a serious Democratic candidate for major electoral office demonstrates that they're wrong.
Conflict of Interest? Hardball's Suspicious Silence on Rendell Gaffe
Misogyny Feminist Politics Gender Ed Rendell Sexist Chris Matthews Hillary Clinton News MSNBC Media Democrats James Carville Pennsylvania