Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wacko MSNBC Analyst: 'Secretary of State Hillary Will Run a Parallel Government' (Video)

It seems like only yesterday that MSNBC's Chris Matthews said it was his job to help make Obama's presidency a success. Never mind that Chris broadcasts lies and propaganda 5 days a week, just think how difficult it will be for Chris or the NBC Obama Network, to serve the Obama Administration if Hillary Rodham Clinton becomes a part of it. I mean is there a cure for Clinton Derangement Syndrome? (See: Chris Matthews Must Go!)

On Hardball, MSNBC political analyst Michelle Bernard asserted that if President-elect Barack Obama names Sen. Hillary Clinton secretary of state, "she will run a parallel government. It will be a huge problem." Additionally, Jennifer Donahue, political director of the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, asked: "Will she [Clinton] be, in fact, trying to create only one term for Barack Obama?"

More Clinton Derangement Syndrome
Unraveling The Mystery Of Clinton's Secret Chicago Trip
Bill vetting could cost Hillary her Cabinet post
MSNBC Michelle Bernard: “There Will Be Race Riots in the Street” (Video)