I'm sorry I missed Eleanor Roosevelt's birthday -- on October 11. She was a great woman. After FDR's death, many urged her to run for the presidency. Eleanor Roosevelt was smart enough not to waste her time. Goddess knows what she could have done for this sorry world if not for the misogyny.
"Originally written by Eleanor Roosevelt 60 years ago, it's astonishing that less than five percent of the world even knows that the document exists," writes Cool Hunting about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
No one writes these things alone, yet Eleanor's role was huge. She chaired the United Nations Commission on Human Rights which collectively produced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Eleanor hoped it would one day become an International Bill of Rights. Of course, the U.S. is not big on following International Law. Never mind international law, why isn't this document taught in our schools?
About the video: "To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, CH friend and colleague Seth Brau recently completed the rather daunting task of bringing the words to life with motion graphics." Awesome video.
via Boing Boing
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Eleanor Roosevelt regarded the Universal Declaration as her greatest accomplishment.
“The battle for the individual rights of women is one of long standing and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it.”
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