Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Payback: Paris Hilton Slams John McCain (Video)

Paris Hilton has apparently had it with serving as a sexy object of ridicule in the men's election drama. Ms. Hilton has released a "campaign ad" in response to John McCain's "Celebrity" ad. McCain's ad is infamous for using Paris Hilton and Britney Spears as sexy props in the boy fight between McCain and Obama. Paris uses ageism against John McCain, but he used her first, and it's not like she can turn him into a sex object. (The "Celebrity" ad is also infamous for causing Bob Herbert to see phallic symbols!)

Look out Keith "Sexist" Olbermann, Paris will be coming after your slimey ass next!

Paris Hilton Responds to McCain's Celebrity Ad

An ad for The Paris Hilton Presidential Campaign. Paid for by Funny Or Die.

He's the biggest Celebrity in the World

The New Republic fact checks Paris's energy policy.
TMZ: Perhaps the reality is that Paris has a more substantive energy plan than Barack Obama.
Fox: Paris Hilton Gets Even With McCain, Releases ‘Ad’ of Her Own
Paris Hilton out-cutes John McCain's anti-Obama ad
