Monday, June 09, 2008

Pollitt: Thank You Hillary, for Showing Us the Misogyny that Calls Itself the Media

Katha Pollitt (Obama supporter) of The Nation offers a very small round-up of the recent tsunami of misogyny that the media and others aimed at Hillary Rodham Clinton and all women and girls. About which, Howard Dean, Barack Obama, and the Democratic Party did absolutely nothing to stop:

Clinton's run has put to rest the myth that we are living in a postfeminist wonderland in which all that stands in women's path is women themselves. Like a magnet--was it the pantsuit?--Clinton drew out the nation's misogyny in all its jeering glory and put it where we could all get a good look at it.

[T]hank you, Hillary, for showing us the snickering belittling of women that passes for media commentary:
Rush Limbaugh, no Adonis, wondering out loud if "the country" was ready to watch a woman age in the White House; Chris Matthews, Don Imus and Tucker Carlson with their litany of insults -- she-devil, Satan, witch, Antichrist, Lady Macbeth. NPR's Ken Rudin compared her to Glenn Close's indestructible bunny-boiler character in Fatal Attraction. And surely a special prize goes to Keith Olbermann for his indignant, hysterical bombast after Clinton's ham-handed reference to RFK's assassination. Rarely has men's terror of women with more brains than a Bratz doll been on such public display. And, of course, men were what we mostly saw up there on the small screen, yakking and blathering away.

It wasn't just men, though. Thank you, Hillary, for letting us get a good look at female sexism: Air America's Randi Rhodes calling her a "big fucking whore," Maureen Dowd offering up her twice-weekly dose of vinegar and dozens of women writers musing prettily about why they and their friends all hate Hillary.

For the 2 people left on the internet who haven't seen one of the numerous video-taped summaries of the misogyny, see -- Mad As Hell/Bitch - and - Hillary Clinton, We've Come a Long Way, Baby!

"I understand that Senator Clinton, periodically when she's feeling down, launches attacks as a way of trying to boost her appeal."