So the Daily Show has a little fun with Barack Obama's new position on campaign finance reform (he's for it, unless it applies to him) and over at the Obama Post, Joseph Palermo warns of the dire danger of mocking the messiah:
Just watch the right-wing radio shock jocks and the literati warmongers like David Brooks and William Kristol -- who are always looking for a cute "hook" to slime Obama -- cite The Daily Show as confirming, from a hip "liberal" source, their worst fears about Obama. . In such a contaminated and sulfurous political context anyone who wishes to rid the nation of the dead hand of Republican misrule must be careful not to play into the narratives the Right is expert in constructing every four years. Yeah, that means you Jon Stewart.
Seriously, Republicans might win by citing Jon Stewart? Can't you just see the November headlines? "Jon Stewart Joked About Barack Obama. Republicans Win by Landslide!"
Goddess help us if this messiah crap doesn't wear off soon. Palermo's very long and sanctimonious warning must also apply to the entire Democratic Congress and all the Democratic Party. Because after some eight freaking bleak nightmare years of Lunatic Bush, the only way Democrats can win is if we all behave like obedient lobotomized bleating sheep. Or in the words of the real author of Palermo's surreal lecture, George W. Bush: There are always only two choices, Black or White, Up or Down, Good or Evil, Democrat or Republican, or you are either With Us or Against Us! Sorry, Palermo, but the real problem is not George W. Bush, the real problem is a nation of obedient lobotomized
John Kass, Chicago Tribune - Don't cry about Obama— it's just the Chicago Way: I've been telling you for almost two years that Chicago isn't Camelot. Do you believe me now? "The Politics of Spare Change: Even $85 million wasn't enough to get Barack Obama to keep his promise," cried The Washington Post. "Obama opts out of reform," said The Boston Globe. The New York Times was so upset with Obama that the last time I checked, they were beating up on him for not ostentatiously hugging Muslims at campaign rallies.
They feel betrayed. But just where did they think he comes from, their once-and-future young king, who wields the magical sword Axelrod, the singing blade solemnly handed to him by Richard "Shortshanks" Daley under the Michigan Avenue Bridge, as he rides forth to transform our cynicism into something good and pure?
New York Times: Obama’s Decision Threatens Public Financing System
Daily Show Democratic Party New Politics Barack Obama News Politics Campaign Finance Reform