Friday, April 25, 2008

Whoopi: That a Woman Could be in Charge is So Insanely Huge (Video)

Transcript -- GOLDBERG: It’s a very- and I say this with a huge amount of love. It’s a very white way to look at it. . . HASSELBECK: Let me take off my "white" goggles. . . GOLDBERG: But you can’t. That’s what I’m trying to explain. This, for us, is totally- it’s not an experience I can explain to you. I can’t explain why black folks are saying "oh my God."

HASSELBECK: Look at the woman factor then. . GOLDBERG: I was going to get to that because it becomes a cross groove for me because black and a woman. You know, I’m just like "put them both in." The hell with it. But the, but the idea that this is a very specific kind of thing. Now, you are not old enough to remember when women decided that the best thing that they can do is burn their bra in public and that was a huge deal. But for women to say "I’m taking it off and I’m actually going to get a job." The idea that there is a woman that could be in charge is so insanely huge.

Watch more at ABC.