Update: Randi Rhodes has been suspended by Air America "for making inappropriate statements about prominent figures, including Senator Hillary Clinton." From Susan UnPC: "Let's contact Air America Radio and tell its top brass that we want Taylor Marsh to replace Randi Rhodes." Yes!!
Reportedly, Rhodes may not be returning to Air America. But that doesn't mean Air America is not still the 'progressive' community's finest Democrat-hating station.
Here's a new slogan for Air America -- Imitating everything about right-wing talk radio that progressives once despised!
But these days hate-talk from Randi Rhodes is hardly shocking since many A-lister lefty male bloggers and their followers are so often indistinguishable from the lunatic right-wing Hillary haters.
Rhodes also termed feminist trailblazer Geraldine Ferraro as "David Duke in drag."
I finally got around to canceling my Buzz Flash subscription. And I have no use for left or right hate-talk radio.
Do you want lefty talk radio to be as vile and hateful as right-wing talk radio? Contact Air America.
Like they say: Bitch is the New Black! - (shameless self-promotion: t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc.)
Update: Geraldine Ferraro Responds to Randi Rhodes (Video)
The Politics of Hate: Randi Rhodes & Other Hillary-Hating Obama Supporters
Hillary Clinton Geraldine Ferraro Randi Rhodes Politics Barack Obama Democratic Primary News Air America Progressive Talk Radio