In a bitter press conference, Barack Obama denounced and disowned his Pastor of some 20 years. Senator Obama denounced and rejected Reverend Jeremiah Wright because Obama is a unifier who transcends the differences that divide us.
Obama was so outraged by the words of Jeremiah Wright, so very outraged that Barack Obama has not even spoken with his pastor. Obama said that someday perhaps he will again talk to his pastor. But in the meantime, Barack Obama will definitely talk to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Obama builds bridges in his heroic quest to end the bitter partisan divisions that were caused by Hillary and Bill Clinton in the disturbingly bitter 1990s.
But some bitterly partisan pastors just can't be saved.
Oh well.
Maybe the Precious will have better luck building bridges on Fox News.
"I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother."
--Barack Obama
Obama Dumps Wright
Obama Denounces Wright
Obama Says He's Outraged by Ex-Pastor's Comments
Obama Strikes Back, Denouncing Wright
Obama On Wright: “I Might Not Know Him As Well As I Thought”
Obama strongly denounces former pastor
Obama Cuts Wright Loose
Making it personal — The shift in Obama's approach
Obama says he's outraged by former pastor's comments
Cartoon by John Klossner via Lost Nation
BitterGate PastorGate Unity Candidate Hillary Clinton Post Partisan Barack Obama Democratic Primary Debate News Politics Gender Indiana North Carolina