Thursday, April 03, 2008

Can Obama Win the General? Or, If Hillary is Tonya Harding, Obama Is...

Oh my god! Our friends in the media are reporting that Hillary and Bill are making the starkly treasonous argument that Barack Obama cannot win the general!

ABC News' George Stephanopoulos Reports: Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and former President Bill Clinton are making very direct arguments to Democratic superdelegates, starkly insisting Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., cannot win a general election against presumptive Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

Will the cable news pundits and their progressive blogger clones stand for this stark treason against the Democratic Party? Is Hillary pulling a Tonya Harding? -- "If she can't win the gold medal the old-fashioned way .. she'll kneecap the competition so he can't win either."

Oh, wait. Here's Barack Obama back in January making the very same argument against Hillary for the benefit of no one other than the polarizing and divisive and coldly calculating Barack Obama:

Democratic White House candidate Barack Obama on Wednesday said rival Hillary Rodham Clinton is too polarizing to win the presidency and she has taken positions shared by President Bush and Republican candidate John McCain for political expediency.

Obama depicted Clinton as a calculating, poll-tested divisive figure who will only inspire greater partisan divisions as she sides with Republicans on issues like trade, the role of lobbyists in politics and national security. . .

"Democrats will win in November and build a majority in Congress not by nominating a candidate who will unite the other party against us, but by choosing one who can unite this country around a movement for change," Obama said.

IF HILLARY is Tonya Harding, Barack Obama Is ..