Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama Succeeds in Blocking Re-Votes - 25% of Florida Dems May Abandon Party

After successfully blocking re-votes in Michigan and Florida, Obama is now pushing for a 50/50 split. What exactly is the difference in a 50/50 split and a 0/0 split? Either way spells disenfranchisement for millions of voters. As Craig Crawford notes, it is simply "amazing that Democrats have a frontrunner who is seemingly afraid to allow re-votes in Michigan and Florida."

Because Obama will do anything to win, or because of Obama's opposition to the re-votes, we are almost certainly headed for a floor flight at the Convention. And we may well be headed for defeat in November. Tom Watson predicts that Obama's complicity in the disenfranchisement of millions of voters will lead to a "depress[ed] turnout for Senator Obama or Senator Clinton (or both!) in the fall."

A new poll supports that prediction. One in four Florida Democrats may abandon the Democratic Party if Florida's delegates are not counted. An "overwhelming plurality" want Florida's primary results to count, according to the St. Petersburg Times/Bay News poll:

Howard Dean and Barack Obama may insist Florida’s Democratic presidential primary was meaningless, but a new poll shows Florida Democrats aren’t buying it, and one in four may not back their party's nominee in November if Florida winds up with no voice in the nomination.

Not only do Florida Democrats say that the Democratic presidential contenders’ boycott of their primary had little effect, but an overwhelming plurality want the officially meaningless results to count, a new St. Petersburg Times/Bay News 9 poll finds.

Twice as many Clinton supporters -- 56 percent -- want the Florida primary to count as do Obama supporters -- 27 percent. Still, even among Obama supporters, the idea of counting that primary is slightly more popular than holding a new election or dividing Florida’s delegates evenly between the two candidates.

Corrente: Here's the DNC staffer to mail if you think 50/50 is unjust.