Monday, March 31, 2008

Kerry Voted 'For the War' too, But Unlike Hillary, Kerry's A Brother

Just like John Kerry, Hillary Rodham Clinton's position has been that "if she had known in 2002 what she knows now about Iraqi weaponry, she would never have voted for the Senate resolution authorizing force."

Here's Hillary-hater Josh Marshall defending Kerry, in 2004, for the exact same infamous 'war vote' that Hillary is held in the utmost contempt for. Because it's just not the same when a brother does it:

In any case, all of this is merely a too-lengthy way of noting that giving the president the authority and the muscle to force the inspectors back into Iraq (i.e., giving him the authority to go to war if they were not allowed back in) simply cannot be equated with giving the president the go-ahead to game the process and go to war immediately even if they were allowed in. [via Taylor Marsh]

And to Josh Marshall and all the other big boy bloggers who continue to stamp their big boy blogger feet and whine that mean old Hillary simply must drop out of the race for the sake of their party, Big Tent Democrat turns the question back on them:

Why don't we play that game with Clinton haters like Marshall? Do they hate Clinton so much that they will destroy the Democratic Party to make sure Clinton has no chance to win the nomination? Would they rather insure Dems lose Florida and Michigan in November instead of honoring the will of the voters in Florida and Michigan in a revote? Do they hate Clinton more than they care about the Democratic Party?

This is a substantive difference between these candidates - one wants to win election by counting the votes, even if it means doing over the voting, and the other wants to win by disenfranchising voters who might not vote for him.