Goodbye To All That (#2) -- Robin Morgan, Women's Media Center: Goodbye to the sick, malicious idea that this is funny. This is not “Clinton hating,” not “Hillary hating.” This is sociopathic woman-hating. If it were about Jews, we would recognize it instantly as anti-Semitic propaganda; if about race, as KKK poison. Hell, PETA would go ballistic if such vomitous spew were directed at animals. Where is our sense of outrage—as citizens, voters, Americans?
All You Need Is Hate -- Dr. Stanley Fish, New York Times: She is vilified for being a feminist and for not being one, for being an extreme leftist and for being a “warmongering hawk,” for being godless and for being “frighteningly fundamentalist,” for being the victim of her husband’s peccadilloes and for enabling them. “She is,” Horowitz concludes, “an empty vessel into which [her detractors] can pour everything they detest.”
A Paroxysm of Sexism, Misogyny and Hate -- eriposte at Left Coaster: Personally, I expected a fair amount of hatred from the traditional media and conservative media against Sen. Clinton in this primary (although there are times when Fox News seemed to have better coverage of her than MSNBC and CNN). What has surprised me is the deep seated and irrational hatred, often transgressing into sexism and misogyny, among people on the alleged "left", that has certainly made me question the bona fides of some segments of the progressive movement in this country.
The Sexist Media Lynching of Hillary Clinton -- Tom Watson: What kind of progressive American leader would stand silent, supporting with the cold reserve of ambition the disgracefully sexist, blatantly anti-feminist attack on a well-respected woman of the same party, a political foe perhaps, but a national Democratic leader? Barack Obama - so far.
Voting Clinton -- Tom Watson: But Andersen suggests I need to consider changing my vote - as if the vicious sexism of the national media, and the silence of the Obama campaign on that blatant misogyny hadn't solidified it.
The Greatness of Hillary Clinton -- Tommy Christopher: The level of bile and hatred that has been spewed at her, dating back to her husband's first term, is truly astounding, and it is clearly motivated out of a fear of women... You can disagree with her politics, or with some of her campaign strategy, or her overarching philosophy, but if you want to talk about "fishwives" or cackling or crying, man, do I not want to hear it. History will record Hillary Clinton as a great American and a pioneer, and possibly the first woman President, or Vice President. History will record those who smeared her with misogyny as clowns.
Why We Love to Hate Hillary -- Jack Hitt, Mother Jones, Alternet: Hillary-hating is such a national pastime, for both Democrats and Republicans, that it should be its own verb: "Hillarating."
Hillary Clinton Nutcrackers — Get Em While They’re Hot (Running for President While Female — 2) -- Heart at Women's Space.
Hillary Clinton "needs a radio-controlled shock collar so that aides can zap her when she starts to get screechy" -- Achenbach of the Washington Post, Media Matters.
"Rudov: Clinton's 'nagging voice' is reason she lost male vote" -- Fox News' Your World: "When Barack Obama speaks, men hear, 'Take off for the future.' And when Hillary Clinton speaks, men hear, 'Take out the garbage.' " During his appearance on the show, on-screen text read: "Rudov: Clinton's 'nagging voice' is reason she lost male vote."
You probably noticed that the authors condemning the misogyny above are vastly male. For some reason, the male voices are louder, or they are at the top of the search engines. I can't imagine why. But I'll add more to this list later as I find some of the 'softer' feminine voices of outrage.
Hillary Clinton Super Tuesday Sexist Democratic Primary Feminist Politics Glass Ceilings Misogyny Patriarchy News Media