This is the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama since their love-fest in Hollywood on Jan. 31.
Campbell Brown is moderating the debate! An actual woman. Wow. What a long overdue but historic move on the part of CNN. The worse MSNBC gets, the more CNN strives to prove that it is far superior to the Misogyny Channel.
As the underdog, some pundits say Senator Clinton needs to be aggressive, but that's always a tricky proposition for a woman. As we've seen in the past, when Obama attacks, the pundits pile on the praise. When Hillary attacks, the pundits cry foul, no fair, she's playing dirty.
Hillary's Opening Statement at the Debate in Texas
There's live-blogging of the 'Texas Showdown' at the Caucus. (Photo: Michael Stravato for The New York Times).
Update: Texas Debate Ends: Obama Camp Attacks -OR- Change You Can Xerox
Hillary Closes at the Presidential Debate in Texas (Video)
Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Feminist News Race Gender Politics Texas Democratic Debate Video