I've been wondering how Hillary does it. She gets 100 x the amount of hostile and scathing media scrutiny as any of the other candidates (exceptin' media-darling Obama who gets pretty well none). And much of it is the beyond-the-pale talk-radio misogyny that borders or crosses into pornography.
Trailblazing women, or women who are the first to break into a male-dominated field, always get ripped to shreds for their trouble. And very often they get little or no thanks from the women who benefit from their effort.
And then there's the grueling day in and day out campaign. Here's Hillary (watch the video), at a small gathering of undecided voters, answering the question: "My question is very personal, how do you do it? How do you, how do you keep upbeat and so wonderful?"
And John Edwards, who can't open his mouth without attacking Hillary, led with the usual double standard, albeit indirectly, by suggesting that Hillary's moment of vulnerability means she's just not tough enough to be president. We've heard it before John, politics is for men.
When he was asked about Hillary's emotional moment, Edwards responded: "I think what we need in a commander-in-chief is strength and resolve, and presidential campaigns are tough business, but being president of the United States is also tough business."
There you go, when she's tough, she's an ice cold bitch, when she shows vulnerability, she's not tough enough to be president. How many more centuries do we have to put up with this malevolent crap?
It's no surprise that Obama offers a far classier response:
"I didn't see what happened, I know this process is a grind. So that's not something I care to comment on."
via Feministing
UPDATE: Think Progress has some of the expected sick and sexist media coverage, as well as a list of wondrous men who were glorified because of their tears.
Hillary Clinton New Hampshire Obama Feminist News Democratic John Edwards Gender Politics Video