Once again, Paul Krugman slams Obama's health care plan as not as good as Hillary Clinton's plan and not as good as John Edwards' plan. Krugman also accuses Obama of not being a team player or of using right-wing talking points which will inevitably be picked up by Republicans and used against all progressives.
Mr. Obama’s health plan is weaker than those of his Democratic rivals, but it’s infinitely superior to, say, what Rudy Giuliani has been proposing. My main concern right now is with Mr. Obama’s rhetoric: by echoing the talking points of those who oppose any form of universal health care, he’s making the task of any future president who tries to deliver universal care considerably more difficult.
I’d add, however, a further concern: the debate over mandates has reinforced the uncomfortable sense among some health reformers that Mr. Obama just isn’t that serious about achieving universal care — that he introduced a plan because he had to, but that every time there’s a hard choice to be made he comes down on the side of doing less.
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News Paul Krugman Obama Universal Health Care Politics Democratic Hillary Clinton John Edwards