Monday, November 19, 2007

Edwards Joins Bush's 'Social Security Crisis' Bandwagon

If politics gets any stranger, I may have to take a very long nap. When the news of the day on the Democratic side of presidential politics makes you want to tear your liberal hair out, you have a big problem. First it was Obama who used the Republican narrative about an alleged Social Security crisis. (There is no crisis!) Now Edwards has joined him. And the news of the day is that John Edwards and Fred Thompson are on the same page and in the same screaming headline.

What the f*ck is wrong with John Edwards and Barack Obama? I know what's wrong with Fred Thompson. He's a Republican.

Yahoo: Edwards, Thompson Say U.S. Must Tackle Social Security Funding

Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Presidential candidates John Edwards and Fred Thompson said the U.S. is facing a potential crisis in the Social Security system . .

Corrente: Are the Democratic candidates running to be President of the Village?
Paul Krugman: Why, Barack, why?
Open Left: Paul Krugman Guts Obama on Social Security: Ok, so Obama lost the activists because of his recent 'McLurkin isn't against the Happy Gays' line, and now he's intent on losing the wonks.