Tuesday, October 16, 2007

'Stroke the Bush Ego' Campaign is On the Road Again

It's time for another one of those ludicrous 'Stroke the Decider's Ego' campaigns. This one is called, "Let Bush Be Bush!"

I'm not kidding.

The Commander Guy got nothing but rapturous praise at his town hall meeting of sheep in Arkansas yesterday. No one had a critical word to say to the pResident with disapproval numbers so high they rival Nixon's. The clueless sheep piled on the praise.

One of them wailed his "dismay that Mr. Bush could not run for president again."

Tickets to the event were distributed by the Arkansas Republican Party and the local chamber of commerce to about 300 worshipful idiots -- or to "a diversity of businesses" and "people who are respectful."

"The White House is staging 'let-Bush-be-Bush events' in front of 'friendly audiences' with 'increasing frequency.'"

"Mr. Bush’s aides like them because the president is much better in an informal setting, especially one where he can get his message across, conversation-style, without pesky reporters asking the questions."

Yes, we know, this pResident prefers La-La-Land.

Um, "the president is much better" at exactly what?