Dear Al Gore, It is your moral obligation to run for the presidency . . .
"I just can't take it anymore. I am sick and tired of waking up indebted to imperial occupation, to rising Co2 emmisions and environmental degradation, to CIA secret prisons, Guantanamo Bay and torture policy, to a failed healthcare system, to gratuitous and increasing income discrepancies that leave the poor helpless and the rich richer, to an entrenched military industrial congressional complex, to a dysfunctional voting system, to soaring deficits that will burden future generations, like the one that I am a member of, and to a society addicted to oil, economically and culturally - a society completely unaware of the recessionary implications of a global production peak."
Send your pleas to: The Office of the Honorable Al Gore, 2100 West End Avenue, Suite 620, Nashville, Tennessee 37203.
Al Gore News President Gore 2008 Politics Democratic Candidate Tennessee Run Al Run Climate Crisis