Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Poll: America Loves Democrats Best

An analysis of four months of polling data by Stan Greenberg reveals that America loves Democrats best:

• The "opinion elite" in the country -- those with a college education and earning more than $75,000 -- support a Democratic presidential candidate by an 11 point margin.
• Independents have defected from Republican candidates and now support a Democrat for president by 19 points.
• Young voters are breaking to Democrats with landslide margins.
• Married women -- a key swing vote -- are breaking marginally for the Democrats this year after swinging strongly for the Republicans in 2004.
• Unmarried women -- a key bloc of "base" voters for Democrats -- pick the Democratic candidate by two to one margin.

[I]t has been apparent for many years that the Democratic base is growing faster than the Republican base. The numbers of the unmarried and the non-churchgoing are growing faster than the numbers of married and church-going Americans. The nonwhite and immigrant population is growing at a faster rate than that of white native-borns. The Democrats are the party of the top and bottom of American society; the Republicans do best in the great American middle, which is losing ground. -- David Frum, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former speech writer for the Bush Administration