Monday, August 20, 2007

In Search of Cheney’s ‘Virtue’


Dick Cheney once scoffed that energy conservation can be a “personal virtue” but is no basis for an energy policy. . .

Suppose we had political leaders who snorted that fires are nothing new, that the science of firefighting is unclear, and that we can’t impose a burden on business by establishing fire departments — while brightly adding that citizens can extinguish fires on their own out of “personal virtue.”

Why, we would think those leaders were nuts.

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This will be my last column for several months. I’m beginning a book leave, to work on a book with my wife, Sheryl WuDunn, about what we see as one of the great moral and practical challenges for this century — raising the status of women in the developing world. I’ll be back to column writing early in the new year.

Read more. . .