This morning Attorney General Alberto Gonzales gave in to calls for his resignation, at long last.
Mr. Gonzales, who had rebuffed calls for his resignation for months, submitted his to President Bush by telephone on Friday, a senior administration official said.
As John Edwards said, "Better late than never."
Bush is expected to speak, or sulk and snarl, about the matter this morning. Update: The Decider said it is sad that his good and loyal friend Gonzales was forced to resign because his good name has been dragged through the mud and because he has been treated unfairly.
Meanwhile in the reality based world, Gonzales long ago lost credibility with both liberals and conservatives. As the editorial board of the conservative National Review puts it:
"We have never seen evidence that [Alberto Gonzales] has a fine legal mind, good judgment, or managerial ability. Nor has his conduct at any stage of this controversy gained our confidence."
Alberto Gonzales Bush Resignation Politics Congress News Lies