Tuesday, July 03, 2007

NY Times: Bush Feared Libby Would Talk

Today's New York Times reminds us of the character of the Texas Governor who occupies the White House. 'Thug' comes to mind.

The paper editorializes a view expressed by others -- it appears that George W. Bush (aka Guilty Dick Cheney's puppet) rescued Libby from prison because the Decider feared that time in the slammer would make Libby talk.

But trashing American values like -- equal justice under the law for every American -- is exactly what we've come to expect from the thug in the White House.

He's not my President!

New York Times Editorial: Mr. Bush’s assertion that he respected the verdict but considered the sentence excessive only underscored the way this president is tough on crime when it’s committed by common folk. As governor of Texas, he was infamous for joking about the impending execution of Karla Faye Tucker, a killer who became a born-again Christian on death row. As president, he has repeatedly put himself and those on his team, especially Mr. Cheney, above the law.

Within minutes of the Libby announcement, the same Republican commentators who fulminated when Paris Hilton got a few days knocked off her time in a county lockup were parroting Mr. Bush’s contention that a fine, probation and reputation damage were “harsh punishment” enough for Mr. Libby.

Presidents have the power to grant clemency and pardons. But in this case, Mr. Bush did not sound like a leader making tough decisions about justice. He sounded like a man worried about what a former loyalist might say when actually staring into a prison cell.

"I'm very happy for Scooter Libby. I know that this is a great relief to him, his wife and children. While for a long time I have urged a pardon for Scooter, I respect the president’s decision." -- Fred Thompson

"Will the President also commute the sentences of others who obstructed justice and lied to grand juries, or only those who act to protect President Bush and Vice President Cheney?" -- Bill Richardson - via MyDD

Avedon rightly says, "It's an emergency: Impeach them all." She has reactions from Pelosi, Edwards, Obama, Schumer and more.