Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Michael Moore Slams CNN, Wolf Blitzer on Live TV

Michael Moore takes no prisoners on CNN's The Situation Room

"That report was so biased, I can't imagine what pharmaceutical company's ads are coming up right after our break here," said Moore. "Why don't you tell the truth to the American people? I wish that CNN and the other mainstream media would just for once tell the truth about what's going on in this country."

"You're the ones who are fudging the facts," said Moore. "You've fudged the facts to the American people now for I don't know how long about this issue, about the war, and I'm just curious, when are you going to just stand there and apologize to the American people for not bringing the truth to them that isn't sponsored by some major corporation?"
-- Michael Moore, Live on CNN, July 9

Michael promised to post a rebuttal at MichaelMoore.com