New York Magazine has an interesting eight page feature about Fred Thompson, The Actor. It's not exactly what I would call a flattering portrait.
Author Stephen Rodrick notes that Thompson's "significant liabilities" are his "work ethic and authenticity."
The excerpt below suggests that the challenge of playing presidential to a national audience of grown-ups is far beyond the small time actor's ability:
On July 10, Thompson made a last-minute trip to suburban Atlanta for the omnipresent Sean Hannity’s Freedom Concert. . . Hannity opened the show with a Hillary imitator getting off gems like “My husband moved from the White House to Harlem. Of course, he read the map wrong and thought it said ‘Harem.’” The party faithful pounded their hands in approval but quieted for the pledge of allegiance.
After the Christian rock band Avalon performed, Thompson was introduced. He read a patriotic poem about the war, took his bows, then sat down in the audience and watched with rapt excitement as the comedian Larry the Cable Guy glided through a set. “My doctor told me I had to give up eggs,” said Larry, tugging at his trucker cap. “I said, ‘Why, because of my cholesterol?’ He said, ‘No, your farts are killing us.’”
The arena echoed with laughter. Over in his seat, Thompson slapped his thigh and gave an “It’s funny ’cause it’s true” full-body shake. He seemed to be having the time of his life. It is hard to imagine Rudy or Romney, Hillary or Barack, sitting through the set, much less soaking it all in.
Politics Fred Thompson News 2008 Republicans Tennessee Sean Hannity Freedom Concert Atlanta