Tom Delay reports that God has spoken to him. God wants Tom Delay to build the conservative equivalent of MoveOn.org.
We think we have the perfect name for the Hammer's new organization:
No word yet on whether God wants the indicted former Congressman to build his angry white male movement from inside Leavenworth Penitentiary.
Via The New Yorker -- Party Unfaithful -- The Republican implosion:
Former Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who resigned under indictment on campaign finance-related charges in Texas, also has grown dissatisfied with the president's stewardship of the conservative movement. DeLay told Goldberg that in coming years, when he is not fighting the Texas indictment, he plans to build a conservative grass-roots movement to rival MoveOn.org, insisting that divine inspiration brought him to that quest.
"God has spoken to me," DeLay said. "I listen to God, and what I've heard is that I'm supposed to devote myself to rebuilding the conservative base of the Republican party, and I think we shouldn't be underestimated."
Tom Delay Republican Fool MoveOn.org Texas MoveBack.org News Politics