Romney Wins CPAC Straw Poll, Rudy Giuliani Leads in Newsweek Poll (McCain Who?)
Mitt Romney won the straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Do you think the endorsement of Ann Coulter -- aka, the heart and soul of the Republican Party -- helped Romney?
Rudy Giuliani came in second. So, here's a nice little consolation photo for the Rudy attack machine.
Reportedly, Romney received repeated standing ovations. Giuliani did not.
The conservatives did not like it when Giuliani "heaped lavish praise on Abraham Lincoln."
I kid you not. Who wants to try to convince me that this is not a party taking altogether too damn long to get it over with and just die? This is their freakin' base!
You know it's a dark party, on its deathbed we hope, when Rudy -- the Simon Legree of single mothers and children everywhere -- looks like a moderate. And never mind about that straw poll, Romney bused people in anyway. According to the latest Newsweek Poll, Rudy beats everybody. On both sides of the aisle.
Enjoy it while you can Simon Legree. It won't last.
On a related note: Elizabeth Edwards responds to Coulter and her readers begin to target Coulter's advertisers. [via]
Photo via TPM
Ann Coulter Republicans News Politics Conservatives CPAC 2008 Mitt Romney Rudy Giuliani