Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Nashville Schools Suspend 400 Students in Leave No T-Shirt Behind Policy

So here we are in Tennessee with one of the worst education systems in the free world, and what are the local schools up to? Why, they're suspending 400 high school students for failing to tuck in their shirts!

Unfortunately, I did not find this story at The Onion.

Hundreds of high school students here in Nashville returned from spring break to spend the school day wasting education time and wasting education dollars by sitting around all day in something called "in-school suspension." Did I mention that 400 students were suspended in one day?

Good freakin' grief people. How many ways are there to make high school a miserable prison-esque experience? I thought there were enough of them in place already.

As always, this bright idea comes down from a highly paid administrator who thinks his job is to turn teachers into fashion police, high school students into rebels, schools into prisons, and learning into an unpleasant chore. But how nice of Schools Director Pedro Garcia to promote homeschooling.

And it may well get worse. There's an effort afoot to force students to wear uniforms by next fall -- because if everyone looks exactly the same then students will "take education more seriously."

Oh, I get it. Schools are failing miserably at something called education so obviously the fault must lie with the clothes that kids are wearing. Good luck with that one. I have a better idea. Want to improve education? Close the schools, give all the kids computers, and send them home. I guarantee you this is a far better plan than spending the school day punishing kids for failing to dress like clones.

But look at that photo of Garcia! Doesn't that tie look a little gay to you? Is anybody paying attention to the clothes that this man is wearing? If you see Garcia making inappropriate fashion statements, snap a photo and send it to us. We will be watching Pedro Garcia to determine if he is making appropriate fashion statements because Pedro Garcia the Fashion Director is not getting the education thing right.