Without Senate confirmation, the Justice Department named Craig S. Morford to serve as Middle Tennessee's U.S. Attorney on an interim basis (Morford is pictured at the podium).
The testimony of Kyle Sampson before the Senate Judiciary Committee clearly implicates both Rove and Gonzales as directly involved in the purge of prosecutors deemed non "loyal Bushies."
Senator Kennedy points out that the rovian firings have resulted in new prosecutors in presidential swing states, including Florida, Iowa, New Mexico, Minnesota, and Arkansas. [via]
Why else would Rove be involved?
And Senator Specter bemoans the fact that "the Department of Justice is in a state of disrepair, perhaps even dysfunctional, because of what has happened, with morale low."
Yeah, well, Specter should direct his gaze of empathy at the morale of 'we the people.' Who can possibly keep up with all the scandals and lies? The only thing that seems certain is that the U.S. Government is corrupt to the bone.
And it is damn hard to distinguish the U. S. Government from the Republican Party!
Here in Tennessee, our U.S. -- or Republican -- Attorney is Craig S. Morford. Presumably it is his job to prosecute Democrats. Shortly before the eight non loyal Bushie prosecutors were fired, the Justice Department named Craig S. Morford -- without Senate confirmation -- to serve as Middle Tennessee's U.S. Attorney on an interim basis. Morford is one of 15 prosecutors who took office after appointment by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales but without Senate confirmation.
By definition, it would appear that Craig Morford must be a "loyal Bushie." And as we know, loyalty to Bush is invariably accompanied by incompetence on the job.
Morford obtained his law degree from Valparaiso University School of Law and a B.A. from Hope College. According to the vision statement of Hope College: Hope will offer students outstanding opportunities for development in Christian faith through study, worship and service. U.S. News & World Report ranks Valparaiso as a Tier 4 school.
U.S. attorney Craig Morford is pictured above speaking at the podium, with Mark Gwyn to his right. (Gwyn is the director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.)
It's not clear how Morford will be affected now that Congress has taken the axe to "the provision of the 2006 reauthorization of the Patriot Act that allowed the administration to name interim prosecutors indefinitely without Senate approval."
What is clear is that all prosecutions of Democrats in Tennessee and across the country are suspect. And that goes for prosecutions throughout the entire Bush reign.
Loyal Bushies Craig Morford Alberto Gonzales Bush Karl Rove Kyle Sampson PurgeGate News Politics U.S. Attorney Tennessee Nashville