Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Edwards Hires Feminist Bloggers, Right-wing Rage Ensues

The right-wingers are crazed because Pandagon’s talented Amanda Marcotte has been hired as blogmistress of the John Edwards for President campaign.

Malevolent Michelle thinks Amanda is radical. Heh.

Edwards was also lucky enough to hire Melissa McEwan of Shakespeare’s Sister, but the radical right seems to be confining its frothing surreal outrage to the subject of Amanda, for now.

How dare Edwards hire a feminist! How dare he hire a liberal! Is Amanda Marcotte good-looking enough for the job? And doesn't she have a foul mouth?

Do right-wingers even have lives? Or penises? For the answer to these compelling questions and a kick-ass defense of Amanda, go on over to Feministing.
