State of the Union: Nixon is looking better all the time.
As Bush prepares to deliver the State of the Union address tomorrow night, he does so as the most unpopular president since Tricky Dick Nixon in 1974.
Only 33 percent of Americans approve of Bush's overall job performance, according to the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll. And there is good reason to believe that 33 percent of Americans are flat out deranged.
But Americans have more bad news for the pResident who refers to himself as our decider: "[M]ajorities now say Bush is not a strong leader (once his claim to fame), 56 percent say he can't be trusted in a crisis (another onetime mainstay), most don't see him as honest, two-thirds don't think he understands their problems and nearly as many don't think he listens to others' views. Fifty-five percent say he has not made the country more secure, his focus since 9/11."
Seventy-one percent "say the country is headed seriously off on the wrong track."
It should come as no surprise to learn that pResident Bush is anal, or obsessive compulsive about getting the dreaded State of the Union speech in better shape than was his impotent Surge Speech.
With his speech writers putting in a month of 12-hour days, his poll numbers tanking, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, John Warner, declaring that the Surge is a mistake, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi looking over his shoulder, Bush's numbers may finally fall into the horrific 20s. Then, can we impeach him?
[via memeorandum]
Update: 28 Percent! I repeat, 28 Percent!
SOTU Bush Politics News Bush Poll Nixon State of the Union