Thursday, January 25, 2007

Kissing, Pawing, and Fawning Over George W. Bush

Video: Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) Plays Groupie to Bush at SOTU

So there he is, the most unpopular president since Richard M. Nixon. There he is, the all powerful George W. Bush delivering the SOTU in the Congressional Chamber, receiving round after round of standing ovations, being interrupted 61 times by frenetic applause from the new Democratic Congress.

There he is grinning from ear to ear like democracy means he's the sole decider, like there ain't no war and like nobody's dying in it.

And there he is after the SOTU, shaking hands and signing autographs for his adoring subjects in Congress. Members of Congress arrived hours in advance of the SOTU so that they might claim a prized seat by the aisle in order to have the privilege of touching, stroking, kissing and fawning over George W. Bush, the most detested president since Richard M. Nixon.

Here’s the video that’s making the rounds, the one where Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann takes the adoration to the extreme. Yeah, she’s weird, but she ain’t the only one.

The Caucus: "As President Bush walked down the center aisle to exit the chamber, cameras were able to pick up little bits of his exchanges with the lawmakers who crowded around, asking him to sign their programs. Representative Michelle Bachmann, a new Republican member from Minnesota, maintained a death grip on the president’s shoulder, even while he turned away to talk to others, until he posed for a picture with her."

More: Raw Story; Pam's House Blend; Blog of the Moderate Left ; Norwegianity