Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Run Rudy, Run!!!

So, pro choice, anti-gun, and pro gay rights Republican Rudy Giuliani makes his first move toward a bid for the presidency. Wow. The values voters are going to be thrilled to their toes.

Other than performing as drag queen to pawing lecher Donald Trump (see video below), the former mayor of New York is famous for harassing the homeless and making life an unmitigated nightmare for poor children and their mothers during a shameful chapter of welfare reform.

When Rudy's not playing 9/11 hero, or drag queen, he's cracking the whip as the cruel and heartless Simon Legree.

So, we say: Run Rudy, Run!!!

Can you imagine it? A pro choice, pro gay rights Republican competing with a pro choice, pro gay rights Democrat for the highest office in the land!

They might actually have to talk out loud about equal rights and reproductive freedom. Gawd.

The rightwing base had their turn. If Rudy wins the nomination, they'll just have to get depressed and drop out of politics for a few decades. Hey, if liberals can do it, they can too.

We should be so lucky. But stranger things have happened, like that one in the White House.

Run Rudy, Run!!!

Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump: