Saturday, November 04, 2006

Perpetually Campaigning pResident Campaigns

Bush used his weekly Saturday morning radio address to plug his party, and his radio address was actually on TV. I guess there's nothing really important going on in the country or the world these days.

His tour of the red states continues. Who knew it was the president's job to run around the country ridiculing and insulting the opposition party, or roughly half the country? I don't know about you, but I take all his insults personally. I'm against everything he stands for, so I must be a terrorist, or a terrorist enabler.

It's all he does these days. Do presidents of other countries spend all their days campaigning for their party? Or does that only happen in what Lou Dobbs likes to call 'Banana Republics'?

What I keep wondering is, how come the demands of the job of president are so few that Bush can take off weeks (or is it months?) at a time to do nothing more than spend all his waking hours running around the country plugging his party and insulting half the country?