Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sen. Fowler Says Churches Wild About Hate Amendment

The Tennessean, aka The Southern Baptist Times reports that David Fowler claims churches are just wild about his Hate Amendment.

Former state Sen. David Fowler, president of the Family Action Council of Tennessee, said, "We're finding more churches are promoting this amendment and talking about the amendment than we were even aware of."

The Baptist Times forgets to mention that as president of the local Focus on the Family affiliate, Fowler is responsible for providing churches with all kinds of handy dandy political handouts or church bulletin inserts.

Nor does the paper mention that James Dobson has been caught sending letters to Tennessee churches - letters which urge pastors to save the endangered family, or: "...take a stand on the marriage amendment from the pulpit and ask your congregants to do so as well."

What Fowler meant to say: We're finding more and more churches are receiving our propaganda, and it helps greatly that I am, or continue to be perceived as a State Senator.

The SBT refers to Senator Fowler as the 'former' senator, because he said he was stepping down in order to avoid a conflict of interest, and thankfully he's not running for re-election, but we're still waiting for the rabid right-winger to be removed from the list of current senators over at the State Legislature website.

But whether he's on or off the tax-payer funded payroll, Fowler serves as the perfect metaphor for the right-wing 'Real Marriage' of Church and State. Fowler earns his living persuading churches to sign on to the platform of the Republican Party. Obviously, an affiliation with the State of Tennessee helps.

Fowler brags that his group has distributed some 10,000 yard signs and "another 3,000 are on the way because demand is high." The president of the Push the Hate Amendment organization forgets to mention that his group couldn't get it together to get any signs until a mere 2-3 weeks ago. To date, our troops have spotted a total of one of Fowler's 'in demand' hate signs in Nashville.

But we're surprised that the signs are not graced with a photo of our State Senator, or more honest yet, we're surprised Fowler didn't brand his signs with the Seal of the State of Tennessee.

Vote No on the Tennessee Hate Amendment!

Related posts: TN Hate Amendment Campaign Yearning for Yard Signs -- and -- So Long HeteroSexist Senator Fowler (R) - Glad to See You Go