Monday, August 28, 2006

Remembering Katrina & The Distant Decider

One Year Ago Disaster Struck America -- and the pResident Stayed on Vacation

The front page of this morning's New York Times called our attention to the most memorable image of The Decider during the devastation of Katrina.

One year later, the disaster of a Bush Administration continues to fail the people of New Orleans and America.

But from a pResident who has the audacity to call the richest one percent of the nation his base, what else did we expect?

True to form, Bush will mark the anniversary of Katrina with empty rhetoric and photo-ops.

Bush Fights to Restore His 9/11 Image

A year after the Katrina disaster, President Bush is still struggling to recover from the image, above, of a wartime president flying by as desperate and vulnerable Americans suffered.

Today, visitors of all kinds -- tourists, volunteer crews -- come away shaken by the scope of the disaster and its lingering aftermath. Despite extensive television attention, it is one of the few natural disasters in the United States that may have been understated by the coverage. The extent of the wreckage -- block after block of darkened windows and trash-strewn yards -- is simply too far-reaching to be captured in video clips.

Always, Bush will be remembered as the pResident who lost an American city.

Huffington Post has a Katrina Timeline with photos and videos.