Friday, August 11, 2006

Lieberman: Vote for Me or Osama Will Get You!

Joe Lieberman who used to say he's not George Bush, now echoes Cheney with rhetoric that effectively says: Vote for Bush/Cheney Lieberman Or Osama Will Get You!

"If we just pick up like Ned Lamont wants us to do, get out by a date certain, it will be taken as a tremendous victory by the same people who wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in England. It will strengthen them and they will strike again." -- Joe Lieberman

Wow,” Mr. Lamont said, after asking a reporter to read Mr. Lieberman’s remark about him. “That comment sounds an awful lot like Vice President Cheney’s comment on Wednesday. Both of them believe our invasion of Iraq has a lot to do with 9/11. That’s a false premise.”

Dick Cheney, in an interview with reporters on Wednesday, lamented Mr. Lieberman’s loss in the primary and said that Al Qaeda and other terrorists were counting on Americans to adopt a weaker military posture, and that the victory of Mr. Lamont over Mr. Lieberman indicated that “the dominant view of the Democratic Party” favored that weaker approach.

Mr. Lamont’s campaign manager, Tom Swan, said in an interview that Mr. Lieberman would pay a political price with Connecticut voters for aligning himself with the Bush administration on homeland security strategy.

“Did Karl Rove write this attack line for Joe?” Mr. Swan said, referring to the president’s senior adviser. Mr. Rove told reporters this morning that he had called Mr. Lieberman, whom he described as “a personal friend,” on the primary day on Tuesday to wish him luck against Mr. Lamont.

For the rest of the story see the NY Times and TPM Cafe.

Think Progress has more on Cheney's support for Lieberman: Cheney: Lieberman Loss ‘Disturbing’ Because al Qaeda Is ‘Betting They Can Break The Will of The American People’

Also, an editorial in today's Boston Globe blasts Lieberman for refusing to accept "the will of the majority" and for taking talking points from the Dark Side.

Update: A strong Republican may enter the "three-way race for Joe Lieberman's seat in Connecticut." If that happens, guess which Democrat who is not George Bush will lose votes big time. [via Political Wire]

Loserman graphic via Tom Tomorrow