Saturday, August 12, 2006

CNN Reports, You Decide

Exactly what is the difference between CNN and Fox News?

When you call the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate "the al Qaeda candidate," I expect your name to be Fox News or Dick Cheney. But here's CNN's Headline News Opinion, anchor Chuck Roberts proving once again that the Dark Side, or the GOP, owns the U.S. media.

Think Progress:

Today on CNN Headline News, anchor Chuck Roberts discussed the impact of the foiled British terror plot with Hotline senior editor John Mercurio. Roberts asked Mercurio, "How does this factor into the Lieberman/Lamont contest? And might some argue, as some have, that Lamont is the al Qaeda candidate?"

... [E]ven Cheney didn’t call Lamont "the al Qaeda candidate" That’s a Chuck Roberts original. [Video]

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