The famed inappropriately touched -- and angry -- Joe Lieberman is about to get even angrier. According to the new Rasmussen poll, Lamont is ahead of Lieberman in the primary by a whopping 10 points -- 51-41. In the general election, Lieberman and Lamont are tied at 40 percent, while Republican Alan Schlesinger is behind by 13 percent.
In the department of More Bad News for Lieberman, Congresswomen Maxine Waters and Marcy Kaptur have endorsed Ned Lamont. Maybe Joe can get Bill Kristol to endorse him. The neoconservative editor of the Weekly Standard is a contributor to the Lieberman campaign!
Lieberman's Defeat -- aka -- Fear in the Hearts of Democrats Everywhere
The defeat of Joe Lieberman should be the cause of progressives everywhere. Here in Tennessee, most of our Democrats are just like Joe (scroll down to see some of their Focus on the Family scores). Obviously, Tennessee is not alone. Lieberman's miserable defeat will be the long overdue wake-up call to the many Democrats who have forgotten the progressive values they are supposed to stand for. The defeat, or even Joe's desperate battle to hold onto his incumbency, will certainly inspire similar challenges all over the country. A new day is coming and, yes folks, it will be a progressive day. (Offer null and void if Bush blows the planet up.)
"When an elected representative repeatedly votes against the interests of the party and people who support him, it’s leadership to stand up and run against him. Ned Lamont didn’t have to run against Joe Lieberman; Joe Lieberman just needed to stop running away from being a Democrat." -- Don Pogreba at Intelligent Discontent
Focus on the Family Scores for Tennessee Democrats and Republicans:
Congressman Jim Cooper [D] -- 57.1%
Congressman Lincoln Davis [D] -- 100%
Congressman John Duncan [R] -- 100%
Congressman Harold Ford [D] -- 57.1%
Congressman Bart Gordon [D] -- 57.1%
Congressman William Jenkins [R] -- 100%
Congressman John Tanner [D] -- 71.4%
Congressman Zach Wamp [R] -- 100%
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn* [R] -- 100%
*Note: Congresswoman Blackburn prefers to be called Congressman, but we don’t care.
Politics Lieberman Bush Republicans Democrats News Ned Lamont Poll Connecticut Tennessee