Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Why Do Conservatives Hate Newborns?

Here we are, the supposed leader of the developed world, and we have the second worst newborn mortality rate in the developed world, concludes yet another report. Of the 33 nations studied, America ranks 32.

Gee, doesn't that make the United States the ghetto of the developed world?

If only the Do Nothing Republicans - who continually remind us that they are so totally in charge of everything in this nation gone wrong - were not always and forever obsessing about the welfare of the neverborn, perhaps something might be done for the newborns.

Something like health care for everyone? Nah, we can't have health care for everyone in America. Cause, in America, rich people need tax breaks.

Only problem is: Tax breaks for rich people are killing our babies!

"American babies are three times more likely to die in their first month as children born in Japan, and newborn mortality is 2.5 times higher in the United States than in Finland, Iceland or Norway."

"Only Latvia . . has a higher death rate for newborns than the United States."

Happy fucking Mother's Day America.


The At-least-we-don't-have-as-much-poverty-as-Mexico Table is via UNICEF (2000)

Update: Mahablog says "At Least We Beat Latvia." Media Girl notes that according to GOP logic, these babies are asking for it.