Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Lou Dobbs Nightly 'Alien' Report

How many times did I hear the spooky term 'illegal aliens' -- on the Lou Dobbs show last night?

I'm glad you asked.


Lou Dobbs is so obsessed with the litte boy joy of bashing immigrants that his mouth is now apparently incapable of pronouncing the word, immigrant.

Dobbs is so thorough that everyone who appears on his show sounds like a little Lou Dobbs. And that includes the Lou Dobbs viewers who send assorted emails that all seem to say, Gee, Lou, what to do about 'illegal aliens'?

Cut to Lisa Sylvester, CNN Correspondent, "What was really at stake are rights for illegal aliens, and polls show most Americans oppose giving the same rights to illegal aliens that U.S. citizens receive -- Lou."

Yeah, I wouldn't give rights to aliens either, even if they were legal aliens.

Dobbs is so consumed with spooky illegal aliens that he can't get through a single night without a full-featured obsessive-compulsive look at the illegal creatures.

If you missed it, last night Lou proved that illegal aliens are unamerican and bad for the country cuz old eagle-eye Lou spotted some holding an American flag upside down. That's real impressive pulitzer reporting, Lou, and I'm sure it takes your ethnocentric viewers' breath away.

Get a friggin' grip, Lou, when you do it every single night, it's not news, you are.